View from the Glen 800 wide 72dpi

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The March4Tipp group has reacted angrily to Tipperary County Council questioning the value of rail services in the County. In a recent local press article Pat Slattery, Council Director of Services for Economic Development was quoted as questioning whether Tipperary’s rail lines should remain open. Mr Slattery was quoted as questioning the annual spend on the line. Click below to read more.

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Site Notice for Shamrock Enterprises

March4Tipp is hopeful that a planning application just submitted to Tipperary County Council may mean some new jobs for the Town.

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For lease signs

A Freedom of Information request by March4Tipp has revealed that Tipperary County Council waived €283,000 in rates last year in Tipperary Town.  In significant cases, very wealthy companies and individuals have benefited. The result is that many valuable commercial and industrial premises lie empty, employing nobody, all of this at a time when businesses that are open for business are struggling to pay rates. Click to read more.

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Traffic queue for roadworks on Davitt St

Residents and businesses concerned about a proposed "temporary" roundabout at the intersection the top of O'Brien Street have made a worrying discovery when one of them noticed something strange about the drawings for the proposed roundabout.