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Site Notice for Shamrock Enterprises

March4Tipp is hopeful that a planning application just submitted to Tipperary County Council may mean some new jobs for the Town.


The application, on behalf of Shamrock Farm Enterprises Ltd is for the production of dry blended agricultural feed supplements.  The site notice appeared in recent days at a field adjacent to the Sky Innovation Park, but on separately owned land.

Shamrock Farm Enterprises blend grass seed mixes, and formulates seaweed based cattle, sheep, deer, pigs, camel, buffalo and horse feed and mineral/vitamin supplements. 

March4Tipp has highlighted that unemployment is the key problem facing Tipperary Town, so a development like this is very welcome indeed.  It is not known yet how many people would be employed at the facility. Neither is it known when the facility might be built following planning permission being granted by the Council.

Shamrock Enterprises is based in Dundrum, Co. Tipperary. More information can be found on the company's website: