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Traffic queue for roadworks on Davitt St

Residents and businesses concerned about a proposed "temporary" roundabout at the intersection the top of O'Brien Street have made a worrying discovery when one of them noticed something strange about the drawings for the proposed roundabout.


One resident compared the current drawings with those that were put forward by Tipperary Councy Council in 2005.  There is an alarming similarity between the drawings, leading some residents to conclude that what is in fact happening is that the strongly defeated 2005 proposal is being resurrected by the Council. 

Watch, in the image below, the current 2019 drawing morph over 10 seconds into the drawing for the failed 2005 Council proposal.

Roundabout animation smaller

Residents are now concerned that the roundabout is part of a Council plan to have another go at driving a road through from the Dunnes Stores roundabout, behind Canon Hayes Park to the top of O'Brien Street. That proposal was soundly defeated by Urban Councillors in 2005.  Residents are now worried that, in the absence of an Urban Council, the County Council may be about to try again.  Indeed, when residents and businesses expressed their concerns about the roundabout, the Council rushed to claim that the roundabout was the contractor's idea.  One source said that the contractor has denied this.

The so-called "rat run" route, along with driving a road down from the top of O'Brien Street through the side of the Royal Hotel and onto Abbey Street remains the Council's official plan, as seen in the Tipperary Town & Environs Development Plan 2013 - 2019.  Residents and businesses affected by the supposedly "temporary" roundabout are concerned that it will become permanent. People recall the Council temporarily taking over the carpark at the bottom of O'Brien Street for 6 months, while 15 years later it remains a Council depot and was never reinstated as a car park.


Excerpt from Town Plan

 Excerpt from the Council's plan for the town, including the "rat run"


It has emerged that the land behind Canon Hayes Park, through which the "rat run" would travel is, according to reliable sources, actually owned by Tipperary County Council. Indeed, a road through that land would greatly enhance its value. 

Another concern is that this option, locally termed the "rat run" will only serve to divert heavy N24 traffic though other parts of town and will actually reduce the case for a proper bypass.

Some have pointed out that the intersection of O'Brien Street and O'Connel Road is dangerous and that the roundabout may improve things.  Local businessman Keith Ryan says that the roundabout will decimate his business and impact on jobs.  With this in mind, local draftsman Raymond Lonergan drew up an alternative arrangement for the intersection that would make it much safer as well as preserving open space and the parking that is necessary for the businesses in the area.  However, Keith says that the Council dismissed it out of hand.

Rays layout drawing

An alternative to a roundabout that provides for open space and car parking, unlike a roundabout
Rays artists impression of the top of OBrien Street
An amazing artists impression by Ray Lonergan of how pleasant the area can be if a roundabout is not constructed there

So, some questions:

  1. Why is the Council so determined to build a roundabout there?
  2. Why did they dismiss a safe and better alternative so quickly? (One resident suggests that it might be because the alternative plan would not permit them to run a road down behind the old Anthony Buckley Modern Motors garage towards the Royal Hotel and Abbey Street).
  3. So, what is the Council really up to?