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parking meter

On Monday, the Cashel-Tipperary Municipal Council refused to approve 2-hour free parking in Tipperary Town. This was in the face of the thousands of people who have engaged in protest marches seeking, amongst other things, 2-hour free parking in the town. A picket took place at the Civic Offices on Monday, to remind Councillors of the need to provide 2-hour free parking to help out the retail sector in the town. Councillor Martin Browne proposed a motion that 2-hour free parking be introduced on all streets in the town. The Council did not decide on the motion, according to Councillor Browne, because of concerns by some businesses that it would "affect their trade.

Last night, Councillor Browne clarified on social media what occurred at the meeting, saying "My motion was for two hour free parking on the streets, a discussion took place and it was decided that it would be reviewed in the new year because we were told some businesses were of the view that if someone was to park in front of their premises for that duration it could affect their trade" (emphasis added).

Many social media users questioned that businesses would be against 2-hour free parking. Some businesses commented, saying that they had not been asked by anyone and that they supported 2-hour free parking.

#March4Tipp hit the streets today and asked 95 businesses if they were for or against 2-hour free parking.  94 businesses said they were in favour of it, with only one shop being against it due to the nature of the business concerned.  The 94 businesses that support 2-hour free parking entered their business details in a petition to that effect.  This is a massive contradiction of the "information" apparently relied upon by the Council in not passing the motion for 2-hour free parking.

This brings into question the quality of information that the Council is willing to accept, without any actual evidence of what businesses want to happen.  It appears that anecdotal, informal opinion is accepted as sufficient evidence on which to base serious decisions. Thousands of people have demanded 2-hour free parking, 94 businesses have now stated that they want it too, and a handful of people in a room, based on incorrect information have decided otherwise.

Local democracy is well and truly broken.