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Many people will recall when this building was Buckley's Cash and Carry. It was a hive of activity and a great employer locally. A person has come forward stating that the property is now owned by a very large company and has sent us the included photos.  The claim is that the building should be declared derelict by the County Council so that the owners are forced to clean it up. Click to read more.


At a time when Tipperary Town desparately needs jobs, surely prime industrial spaces should be made as presentable as possible for potential investors?  The sad appearance of this 2,500 square metre building is hardly an incentive for someone to decide to locate their business there.  The Council has powers to declare a building derelict and to require the owner to carry out works to prevent it being placed on the Derelict Sites Register. 

The question must be asked as to why the Council says, on one hand, that it acknowledges the urgent need for jobs in Tipperary Town but, one the other hand, allows large companies to leave prime industrial properties to fester like this.

Some more photos are shown below.



